(The funny Story)
(By – Kashif Sarmad)
I was spinning around and nothing felt doing anything. Abruptly, I switched TV on and say the news channel as customary. I saw on channel the news regarding to the terror campaign and wars. I kept shuffling channels and on every TV channel the analogous stories and wars and deaths were on-air.
I was so down to see those corpses of various age groups lying on ground. I sigh deeply and was wishing to meet the angel of death, so I can ask him his experience regarding taking-up human’s soul.
Out of no where someone tapped my back; I looked behind and screamed in girlish voice “what the heck?” I felt like a young virgin girl who witness impious rapist in her bathroom and yells hard till she throw-up her intestines out of her mouth. I saw man with unfriendly and almost with horrible gesture standing behind me in a white attire with a white flying circle over his head.
He was passing me smile which was totally offensive for me and I was not in the amicable position to reciprocate in the same gesture. As I cant mention his description but without any single doubt He was carrying debonair and handsome personality indeed. In one word, he was almost perfect. I retain information that the girl I adore is very fervent to unearth the gentlemen for herself with the identical description as that strange person has.
Anyhow, after communicating with my breath which I almost lost; I tried to start the conversation with him with a shivering voice and wobbly legs;
Me: Who the hell are you? (I asked him the way I was ready to cry out loud)
Angel: I am the angel of death. (He passed his meaningful smile again)
Me: Who? Come again please. (Now I was thinking to call the cops or mental hospital)
Angel: I am an angel of death and I can prove it if you don’t believe me.
Me: Ok, so what can you do?
Angel: May be I lift you up in the air.
Me: Can you really do that? (I was excited and little scared)
Angel: Yeah! Here you go.
He lifted me up in the air and I was amazed but his presence in my house baffled me a bit. Without wasting anytime, I asked him to answer some of my questions and he agreed to answer. I was so happy and excited that I will be the first human being who is not only meeting with the Angel but also having conversation as well and specially without medically being deceased. So I resumed conversation again with the Angel.
Me: What is your job description? (I broke the ice again)
Angel: My job is to transport souls to their home destination.
Me: What is the difference between you and Human?
Angel: Life!
Me: What do you feel when you take up soul from human body?
Angel: I don’t feel anything. I am not allowed to feel anything.
Me: Oh! That makes your job very easy mate. Why do you do that?
Angel: Do I have any other option? I am assigned for this job and I have to do it.
Me: What is life for you?
Angel: A journey to death.
Me: And what is death for you?
Angel: A perpetual life.
By this time, his answers in strange manner freaked me out. I tried to change the vibes by asking him diverse and less knotty queries.
Me: Why you take-up souls of innocent people?
Angel: You better ask this question from Humans and yourself. You will get the answer.
Me: What makes you uncomfortable?
Angel: When people ignore my presence. Human forgot that one day they have to see me and they have to die.
Me: Ay wish you got?
Angel: I wish I could leave this job but I can’t.
Me: It seems you hate your job.
Angel: No, but I don’t love it either.
Me: What do you think when you spend your time among people?
Angel: It’s always been funny. They don’t know anything yet they believe that they know everything.
Me: When you get busier?
Angel: In wars.
Me: How hard it is to take a Human life?
Angel: Technically, it is not difficult as I am having command over it but yes the circumstances of that individual make my job tough sometimes. I then move on with my job. I am definite about that every human is responsible for his/her own circumstances.
He was angry during this reply and I was silent. I couldn’t argue with the thing that has powers to dismantle my life anytime. I was trying to ask him harmonious questions in order to keep the room environment friendly but failed so far. This could put me in more trouble, Trouble? Did I say trouble? That entity can take my life without any justification given to the law of land and I am messing up with him or it. I even cannot call cops to help me. No, I should change the questions immediately; I was talking to myself. I started asking questions again with more smiley face as I have won the lottery.
Me: So do you eat and drink? (I asked him with cute and big smile so I can offer him something)
Angel: No (He replied with little rudeness but I was not taking it on heart)
Me: Do you lie?
Angel: What do you like in this world? (At this situation I was extremely perplexed but yet smiling)
Me: I liked this world when it was created but God. It was so beautiful and attractive. At one moment I wished to be human but now I even regret about my wish. God has blessed this world everything but human beings has torn it apart with boundaries, hatred and wars.
Though, I have heard that Angels don’t cry but this time he was about to cry like baby and I was scolding myself for deteriorating the smooth interview. The last questions which I had in my mind could devastate the situation more but I had to ask these questions but for that I should provide this creature a time, so he can get back to normal frame of mind. I was scared this time. I guess I should start this conversation from easy going questions, I said to myself.
Me: Tell me one thing, by any chance if you leave this job then what other field you will select?
Angel: I would like to be American president. We share the same nature of job.
Me: Which soul was toughest to seize?
Angel: I went in the middle of sea and on boat I had to seize the soul of one lay but she was accompanying the infant in the same boat. As I starting capturing her soul she was begging me to leave her till she drops her kid to a safe place. I was not supposed to leave her alive and I took her soul away and left that kid in the boat.
Me: Then what happened with the kid?
Angel: Trust me; he was not left-unaided.
Me: I appreciate that you gave time to me but the thing which wonder’s me is, why you approved to give time and answers to my question as you usually font appear before people?
Angel: It’s my job.
Me: What do you mean?
Angel: Actually, I came here half an hour early to seize your soul so I thought to kill time by having conversation with you. Its time, you have to come with me.
Me: What?????
It jolts me and I woke up with wrench screaming in my mother tongue. I gazed here and there with freaked eyes. I thought all over the conversation and still thinking whether I am alive or not? This is the same question for you. Are you alive or you are waiting for the Angel of death.